And so, the start is near..

No photos of Aruba yet so heres a picture taken shortly before the forest police arrived and went nuts..Ehh, wasn't me!
No photos of Aruba yet so heres a picture taken shortly before the forest police arrived and went nuts..Ehh, wasn’t me!

Give us a shot man!

With my latest adventure planned I thought it best to take a moment to explain why I haven’t put up any posts for a while on my blog and why some recent posts are not in order of when things happened.


I’m going to live and work on a donkey farm and also volunteer at a National park in Aruba in the Caribbean. I will be there for six months. This is step one in my plans for 2013 but I can’t say for sure what I will do afterwards. Definitely something along the lines of travel and adventure anyway. I have ideas but nothing concrete yet, suggestions welcome.

The last part of my book Without Wax kind of ended with the post ,but then Only in Panama (Porn to raise Hell) was a little story I’d forgotten to write about so I just stuck it on there after starting my attempt at an introduction to a second book with a post called ‘Round 2’.
Oh yeah.. There is also an advert for party poker that doesn’t fit in at all, but lets not dwell on my selling out!

I really have to live it before I can write about it so you know as much as I what will feature next.

Hopefully I can finally find my geek (I love the bookworm type) and you can read a ‘happy ever after’ post at some point. Until then you might have to settle for me doing what I unfortunately do best. So if you are sporting a MASSIVE pair of glasses, woolly jumper two sizes too big with a bland pony tail draped down your back then you can find me somewhere in Aruba. I’ll be the one scooping donkey poop with skin like a lobster!

Happy travels people and I hope to update soon..

62 thoughts on “And so, the start is near..

  1. I should give it a try, but I don’t know. Got a lot on right now. Thats no excuse I guess. Hmm.. When I’m not at work I feel like hammered shite and too tired to do anything.
    You could go and take your kids with you! Sure they would love it! 🙂

      1. Start with the Children’s version, let them add a few versus then swing it into a mind-numbing metal scream-fest and you’ll probably have a Chart Topper!

  2. Best wishes for the donkey’s poo…! No kidding,I ‘ve just received some beautiful photos from Aruba and I know you’ll be able to look at the landscape too!
    I wish you all the best,my friend!

  3. Thanks Jennifer. Maybe my new job can be Donkey Whisperer?! I can have my own TV show and whisper things to donkeys. Things like “Eat that guy over there”. Yup, big plans ahead! 🙂 Me and my donkey army.

  4. Sounds fab. Remember though to be careful what you wish for! You might find a fantastic red head, A bit of editing will then be required!

  5. Best wishes and safe travels! A donkey farm, eh? Eeyore was always my favorite “Winnie ther Pooh” character. I’d be interested in hearing how you chose to go there!

    1. Eeyore was pretty cool but never as good as Tigger! Couldnt find a tiger farm though.
      There is an organization called Everything is possible, they are connected with the European Voluntary Service (EVS).
      I have done a few projects around the world with them and they managed to get me onto the donkey farm in Aruba.
      So excited about it, still in Scotland right now though but I fly out on the 3rd of March.

      P.S. Why does Tigger smell? Because he plays with Pooh! -my favourite joke-

  6. You just wandered over to my blog and said you liked something I wrote.
    I always feel it’s nice to respond and come over to your place and say hello. Neighbourly is how I see it.
    So hello
    Glad you liked what I wrote, and for saying so

  7. I’d say I’d volunteer to come find you in Aruba, but (a) my eyesight is 20/20, and (b) I’m a white girl who is originally from Alabama, so Aruba sorta scares me.
    I love the idea of a donkey farm — it sounds like a punchline just waiting for its joke to come along. 🙂 Best of luck to you and your jackasses down there!

    1. Something always happens when traveling and last time I came face to face with a donkey it tried to take my hand off! Maybe my future posts will be typed minus a few digits!
      Well, if you ever decide to wear glasses and stop being white then you can also find me in Scotland from time to time 🙂

      -joking about the white thing-

  8. Well I can’t add too much to what’s been said after 32 others…but I’ll wish you the very best in all you try! I appreciate your visit to “my place”…have to look up some donkey jokes. You’d think there’d be a zillion of them! Continue to grow…”Skip”

      1. You bet. I know what you mean, I once did a post which brought me 92 comments. I spent a couple of hours trying to answer them all! It’s great to get that kind of response, however…

        Best to you…”Skip”

      2. I do really like it when people comment on something I’ve done. It can be kind of addictive though. When I’m at home I find mysef checking every 2 minutes!
        I will have to work on my donkey jokes though 🙂

      3. I know what you mean. I’ve got that same “addiction” to my site! However, most everyone wants to be appreciated for the work they do!

        Hey, What do donkeys send out at Christmas? “Mule-tide greetings!” Well…I tried…

        Thanks for the visit and continued success. “Skip”

    1. Thanks! I’m sure the donkeys will give me something good to write about through the next 6 months. Crazy stuff always happens when visiting other parts of the world so no doubt I’ll have something to talk about by the end of it.

    1. Heeey!!! How are you? Been bitten and stood on, but not eaten yet! Having a great time here working with the donkeys and chasing snakes in Arikok National Park (I work there too). Snorkelings pretty cool too although I’m always convinced a big sharks coming to get me. I make sure I’m always near a big fatty so they can be eaten first! Hope you’re doing well. Have to wait until I’m in Scotland before I write more blog stuff. x

      1. Good to hear from you!! I’ve been wondering why no donkey blogs! you could write a story and call it “Swimming with Fatties”
        I’m doing fine, taking every day as it comes….find out about surgery today actually. Sitting waiting to see the Specialist now.
        Can’t wait for your next post 🙂

  9. Haha, I drove by the donkey farm yesterday (or the day before)! I’ve been very curious about what it’s like to actually live here, so I can’t wait to hear your perspective.

    1. You should check it out. Great place to visit. The donkeys are just too cool! I’ve been here for 3 months now and its a great place to be. I usually work there in the afternoons. You might want to avoid Fridays there. On Friday there is a 16 year old volunteer who spends the whole day pissing me off with his stupid comments and attempts at being funny. Rest of the week is good though! How long will you be on the island?

  10. Thanks for following my blog. With so many blogs to choose from, I am very honored that you choose to follow mine! I look forward to getting better acquainted in the next few months. It sounds like you are really busy! 🙂 Marsha 🙂

      1. What a nice thing to say, and of course, “Andy’s always right! ” hahaha I love your blog name. Perfect! 🙂 I’m sure I will enjoy yours as much! 🙂 I’m going there right now! 🙂

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